North Liverpool residents are opening a new launderette in the Everton-Anfield area. It's a worker-community coop, so its members will be both employees and service users.
It's called Kitty’s Launderette, in honour of Kitty Wilkinson, who was instrumental in establishing the UK's first public wash house in 1842 in the same neighbourhood, in the wake of a cholera epidemic. Kitty's will provide affordable washing and drying facilities while providing a warm, welcoming space for a variety of social and creative activities, from film screenings and local history groups, to crafts and ironing clubs. Kitty's will also be serving up coffee, conversation and free Wi-Fi for all.
Our members agreed to chip in £500 towards the cost of refurbishing and fitting out the premises. Kitty's organiser Grace Harrison has promised to name one the machines 'Worker Coop Solidarity Fund' in return.