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Snapshot of powerpoint presentation with white letters on purple background

'What do we really know?

Co-operatives UK has just published new research on worker co-ops, by Virginie Pérotin of Leeds University. Titled 'What do we really know about worker co-operatives?', Pérotin's paper refutes one or two widely shared assumptions.
snapshot of Youtube video

Working together for a cooperative future

CICOPA, the world federation of worker coops, has released a video reflecting the inspiration and experiences of young worker and social cooperators from 9 countries.
people gathering in a room

Fund supports cleaners coops

With support from the Fund, three members of Belfast Cleaning Coop visited Custom House Workers' Coop in east London in June 2015, to show support and learn from each other.
snapshot of a document

SolidFund one year on

We've just published a short report on the Fund's first year, which sums up how and why we started, and what's happened in the 15 months since Member 001 signed up.
group of peopel in hackaton meeting

Website Hackathon

Fifteen brave souls congregated last Wednesday in a theatre rehearsal room in Hackney with plenty of flipcharts, marker pens and laptops, to build the SolidFund website.